Visualizing Numbers: Investigating the Effect of Presentation Format on Emotional Responses and Performance in Lottery Tasks
Michalik, J., Sumlinski, L., Sobkow, A. (2024). Visualizing numbers: Investigating the effect of presentation format on emotional responses and performance in lottery tasks. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Supplementary materials:Recurring Suboptimal Choices Result in Superior Decision Making
Mondal, S., Lenda, D., Traczyk, J. (2024). Recurring suboptimal choices result in superior decision making. Decision.
Supplementary materials:Polish Adaptation of the Online Test Anxiety Inventory (OTAI-PL)
Schoepp, P., Gora, P., Hrymchak, Y., Mazur, J., Surowski, M., Traczyk, J & Sobkow, A. (2023). Polska Adaptacja Skali Lęku Przed Testami Online. Kultura i Edukacja.Supplementary materials:Visualizing risky situations induces a stronger neural response in brain areas associated with mental imagery and emotions than visualizing non-risky situations
Zaleskiewicz, T., Traczyk, J., Sobkow, A., Fulawka, K., & Megias-Robles, A. (2023). Visualizing risky situations induces a stronger neural response in brain areas associated with mental imagery and emotions than visualizing non-risky situations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.Suplementary materials:Imagining risk taking: The valence of mental imagery is related to the declared willingness to take risky actions
Śmieja, J., Zaleskiewicz, T., Sobkow, A., & Traczyk, J. (2023). Imagining Risk Taking: The Valence of Mental Imagery Is Related to the Declared Willingness to Take Risky Actions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.Polish Validation of the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale (SUIS): Psychometric Characteristics and Relationships with Risk Propensity
Zaleskiewicz, T., Sobkow, A., & Traczyk, J. (2023). Polish Validation of the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale (SUIS): Psychometric Characteristics and Relationships with Risk Propensity. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 0(0). making and mental imagery: A conceptual synthesis and new research directions.
Zaleskiewicz, T., Sobkow, A., & Traczyk, J. (2024). Decision making and mental imagery: A conceptual synthesis and new research directions. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.Conditionality of adaptiveness: Investigating the relationship between numeracy and adaptive behavior
Mondal, S., Traczyk, J. (2023). Conditionality of adaptiveness: Investigating the relationship between numeracy and adaptive behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology.Supplementary materials:Experiment 1 2 minds think alike? Spatial search processes can be more idiosyncratic when guided by more accurate information
Król, M,. Król, M. (2022). Great minds think alike? Spatial search processes can be more idiosyncratic when guided by more accurate information. Cognitive Science, 46(4).
Supplementary materials:The factor structure of cognitive reflection, numeracy, and fluid intelligence: The evidence from the Polish adaptation of the Verbal CRT
Sobków, A., Olszewska, A., Sirota, M. (2022). The factor structure of cognitive reflection, numeracy, and fluid intelligence: The evidence from the Polish adaptation of the Verbal CRT. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.Supplementary Materials:
Measuring feelings about choices and risks: The Berlin Emotional Responses to Risk Instrument (BERRI)
Petrova, D., Cokely, E. T., Sobkow, A., Traczyk, J., Garrido, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2022). Measuring feelings about choices and risks: The Berlin Emotional Responses to Risk Instrument (BERRI). Risk Analysis, 1–23.
org/10.1111/risa.13946 Supplementary Materials:
The Factor Structure of Cognitive Abilities Related to (Ir)Rationality
Sobkow, A., Olszewska, A., & Sirota, M. (2021, July 23). The Factor Structure of Cognitive Abilities Related to (Ir)Rationality.
Supplementary Materials:
Conceptual replication study of fifteen JDM effects: Insights from the Polish sample
Sobkow et al. (2022). Conceptual replication study of fifteen JDM effects: Insights from the Polish sample. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 53(3), 138-151.Supplementary Materials:
Eye movement anomalies as a source of diagnostic information in decision process analysis
Król, M., Król, M. (2021). Eye movement anomalies as a source of diagnostic information in decision process analysis, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 47 (6), 1012-1026
Sensitivity of numerate individuals to large asymmetry in outcomes: A registered replication of Traczyk et al. (2018)
Mondal, S. (2021). Sensitivity of numerate individuals to large asymmetry in outcomes: A registered replication of Traczyk et al. (2018). Decyzje, (35), 5-26. DOI 10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.150a
Can observing a Necker cube (really) make you more insightful? The evidence from objective and subjective indicators of insight
Olszewska, A., & Sobkow, A. (2021). Can observing a Necker cube (really) make you more insightful? The evidence from objective and subjective indicators of insight. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 311-321. DOI: 10.24425/ppb.2021.139164
Worry, Risk Perception, and Controllability Predict Intentions Toward COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors
Sobkow, A., Zaleskiewicz, T., Petrova, D., Garcia-Retameto, R., & Traczyk, J. (2020). Worry, risk perception, and controllability predict intentions towards COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology. 11(582720). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582720
Zdolności numeryczne jako kluczowe zdolności poznawcze w procesie podejmowania decyzji
Sobkow, A., Figol, J., & Traczyk, J. (2020). Zdolności numeryczne jako kluczowe zdolności poznawcze w procesie podejmowania decyzji. Decyzje, 33, 25-54. DOI: 10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.139
Consistency in probability processing as a function of affective context and numeracy
Traczyk, J., Fulawka, K., Lenda, D., & Zaleskiewicz, T. (2020). Consistency in probability processing as a function of affective context and numeracy. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1–19.
2206 Emotions and Financial Decision Making
Zaleskiewicz, T., Traczyk, J. (2020). Emotions and Financial Decision Making. In Zaleskiewicz, T & Traczyk, J (Eds.) Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making (pp. 107-133). Springer, Cham.
Cognitive Abilities and Financial Decision Making
Sobkow, A., Garrido, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2020). Cognitive Abilities and Financial Decision Making. In Zaleskiewicz, T & Traczyk, J (Eds.) Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making (pp. 71-87). Springer, Cham. numeric competencies predict decision outcomes beyond fluid intelligence and cognitive reflection.
Sobkow, A., Olszewska, A & Traczyk, J. (2020). Multiple numeric competencies predict decision outcomes beyond fluid intelligence and cognitive reflection. Intelligence, 80.
Supplementary Materials:
Entrepreneurial Risk Taking is Related to Mental Imagery: A Fresh Look at the Old Issue of Entrepreneurship and Risk.
Zaleskiewicz, T., Bernady, A., & Traczyk, J. (in press). Entrepreneurial Risk Taking is Related to Mental Imagery: A Fresh Look at the Old Issue of Entrepreneurship and Risk. Applied Psychology.
Supplementary Materials:
Associations between Case Fatality Rates and Self-reported Fear of Neoplasms and Circulatory Diseases.
Fulawka, K., Lenda, D., & Traczyk, J. (2019). Associations between Case Fatality Rates and Self-reported Fear of Neoplasms and Circulatory Diseases. Medical Decision Making, 39(7), 727-737.
Supplementary Materials:
https://journals.sagepub.comDoes mental number line training work? The effects of cognitive training on real-life mathematics, numeracy, and decision making.
Sobkow, A., Fulawka, K., Tomczak, P., Zjawiony, P., & Traczyk, J. (2019). Does mental number line training work? The effects of cognitive training on real-life mathematics, numeracy, and decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 25(3), 372-385
Supplementary Materials:
https://osf.ioSubjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries.
Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., …Sobkow, A.,…Zimmerman, J. L. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 00, 1–22.
Autism limits strategic thinking after all: A process tracing study of the beauty contest game
Król, M., Król, M. (2020). Autism limits strategic thinking after all: A process tracing study of the beauty contest game, Thinking & Reasoning, 26 (4), 615-626
Framing experts’ (dis)agreements about uncertain environmental events.
Løhre, E., Sobkow, A., Hohle, S. M., Teigen, K. H. (2019). Framing experts’ (dis)agreements about uncertain environmental events. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(5), 564–578.
A Valence Asymmetry in Pre-decisional Distortion of Information: Evidence From an Eye Tracking Study with Incentivized Choices
Król, M., Król, M. (2019). A Valence Asymmetry in Pre-decisional Distortion of Information: Evidence From an Eye Tracking Study with Incentivized Choices, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 45 (12), 2209-2223
A Novel Eye Movement Data Transformation Technique that Preserves Temporal Information: A Demonstration in a Face Processing Task
Król, M., Król, M. (2019). A Novel Eye Movement Data Transformation Technique that Preserves Temporal Information: A Demonstration in a Face Processing Task, Sensors, 19 (10), 2377
Supplementary materials:Learning From Peers’ Eye Movements in the Absence of Expert Guidance: A Proof of Concept Using Laboratory Stock Trading, Eye Tracking, and Machine Learning
Król, M., Król, M. (2019). Learning From Peers’ Eye Movements in the Absence of Expert Guidance: A Proof of Concept Using Laboratory Stock Trading, Eye Tracking, and Machine Learning, Cognitive Science, 43 (2)
Simple Eye Movement Metrics Can Predict Future Decision Making Performance: the Case of Financial Choices
Król, M., Król, M. (2019). Simple Eye Movement Metrics Can Predict Future Decision Making Performance: the Case of Financial Choices, Judgment and Decision Making, 14 (3), 223-233
Supplementary materials:The experience-based format of probability improves probability estimates in people with low numeracy.
Traczyk, J., Sobkow, A., Matukiewicz, A., Petrova, D., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2020). The experience-based format of probability improves probability estimates in people with low numeracy. International Journal of Psychology, 55 (2), 273-281 .
Supplementary Materials: and Risk Literacy: What have we learned so far?
Garcia-Retamero, R., Sobkow, A., Petrova, D., Garrido, D., & Traczyk, J. (2019). Numeracy and Risk Literacy: What have we learned so far? Spanish Journal of Psychology. 22. e10, 1–11.
What shapes the probability weighting function? Influence of affect, numeric competencies, and information formats.
Petrova, D., Traczyk, J., & Garcia‐Retamero, R. (2019). What shapes the probability weighting function? Influence of affect, numeric competencies, and information formats. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(2), 124-139.
Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across sample and setting.
Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F., … Sobkow, A., … Traczyk, J., … Nosek, B. A. (2018). Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across sample and setting. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 1(4), 443-490
Supplementary Materials:
https://osf.ioThe Relationship between Adaptive Strategy Selection and Cognitive Effort: An Eye-tracking Study
Lenda, D. & Traczyk, J. (2018). The Relationship between Adaptive Strategy Selection and Cognitive Effort: An Eye-tracking Study. Psychologia Ekonomiczna, 13, 35 – 48.
W jaki sposób komunikować ryzyko związane ze smogiem? Wpływ formatu oraz treści komunikatu na percepcję ryzyka oraz działań zapobiegawczych
Malcherek-Łabiak, J., Olszewska, A. & Sobków, A. (2018). W jaki sposób komunikować ryzyko związane ze smogiem? Wpływ formatu oraz treści komunikatu na percepcję ryzyka oraz działań zapobiegawczych. Psychologia Ekonomiczna, 13, 49 – 65 decision makers don’t use more effortful strategies unless it pays: A process tracing investigation of skilled and adaptive strategy selection in risky decision making.
Traczyk, J., Sobkow, A., Fulawka, K., Kus, J., Petrova, D. G., & Garcia-Retamero, R. (2018). Numerate decision makers don’t use more effortful strategies unless it pays: A process tracing investigation of skilled and adaptive strategy selection in risky decision making. Judgment and Decision Making, 13(4), 372-381.
Does fear increase search effort in more numerate people? An experimental study investigating information acquisition in a decision from experience task.
Traczyk, J., Lenda, D., Serek, J., Fulawka, K., Tomczak, P., Strizyk, K., Polec, A., Zjawiony, P., & Sobkow, A. (2018). Does fear increase search effort in more numerate people? An experimental study investigating information acquisition in a decision from experience task. Frontiers in Psychology,
The structure of intuitive abilities and their relationships with intelligence and openness to experience.
Sobkow, A., Traczyk, J., Kaufman, S. B., & Nosal, C. (2018). The structure of intuitive abilities and their relationships with intelligence and openness to experience. Intelligence, 67, 1-10.
A novel approach to studying strategic decisions with eye-tracking and machine learning
Król, M,. Król, M (2017). A novel approach to studying strategic decisions with eye-tracking and machine learning, Judgment and Decision Making, 12 (6), 596–609
Supplementary materials:(Nie)prawdopodobna wygrana. Związek cech temperamentu z przekonaniami hazardzistów dotyczącymi wygranej i z zaangażowaniem w hazard.
Olszewska, A., Sobkow, A., Nosal, C. (2017). (Nie)prawdopodobna wygrana. Związek cech temperamentu z przekonaniami hazardzistów dotyczącymi wygranej i z zaangażowaniem w hazard. Psychologia ekonomiczna, 12, 45-57. DOI: 10.15678/PJOEP.2017.12.04
Cognitive and emotional factors influencing the propensity to insure oneself against disaster
Sobkow, A., Traczyk, J., Polec, A., & Tyszka, T. (2017). Cognitive and emotional factors influencing the propensity to insure oneself against disaster (pp. 119-139). In: T. Tyszka & P. Zielonka (Eds.) Large risks with low probabilities: Perceptions and willingness to take preventive measures against flooding. London: IWA
The mechanism of non-numerical anchoring heuristic based on magnitude priming: is it just the basic anchoring effect in disguise?
Tomczak, P., & Traczyk, J. (2017). The mechanism of non-numerical anchoring heuristic based on magnitude priming: is it just the basic anchoring effect in disguise? Polish Psychological Bulletin, 48(3), 401-410.
Numeracy moderates the influence of task-irrelevant affect on probability weighting.
Traczyk, J., & Fulawka, K. (2016). Numeracy moderates the influence of task-irrelevant affect on probability weighting. Cognition, 151, 37-41.
Konstrukcja i walidacja polskiej wersji testu odległych skojarzeń.
Sobkow, A. Połeć, A., & Nosal. C. (2016). Konstrukcja i walidacja polskiej wersji testu odległych skojarzeń. Studia Psychologiczne 52(2), 1-3.https://doi:10.2478/V1067-010- 0152-2
The affective bases of risk perception: Negative feelings and stress mediate the relationship between mental imagery and risk perception
Sobkow, A., Traczyk, J., & Zaleskiewicz, T. (2016). The affective bases of risk perception: Negative feelings and stress mediate the relationship between mental imagery and risk perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 932.
Implicit attitudes toward risk: the construction and validation of the measurement method.
Traczyk, J., & Zaleskiewicz, T. (2016). Implicit attitudes toward risk: the construction and validation of the measurement method. Journal of Risk Research, 19(5), 632-644.
Affective response to a lottery prize moderates processing of payoffs and probabilities: An eye-tracking study.
Traczyk, J., Kus, J., & Sobkow, A. (2016). Affective response to a lottery prize moderates processing of payoffs and probabilities: An eye-tracking study. Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 14(4), 35-46.
Individual differences in emotional reactivity moderate the strength of the relationship between attentional and implicit- memory biases towards threat-related stimuli
Matusz, P. J., Traczyk, J., Sobkow, A., & Strelau, J. (2015). Individual differences in emotional reactivity moderate the strength of the relationship between attentional and implicit- memory biases towards threat-related stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27(6), 715-724.
Affect-laden imagery and risk taking: the mediating role of stress and risk perception.
Traczyk, J., Sobkow, A., & Zaleskiewicz, T. (2015). Affect-laden imagery and risk taking: the mediating role of stress and risk perception. PloS one, 10(3).
Preferential access to emotion under attentional blink: evidence for threshold phenomenon
Szczepanowski, R., Traczyk, J., Fan, Z., & Harvey, L. O. (2015). Preferential access to emotion under attentional blink: evidence for threshold phenomenon. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 46(1), 127-132.
Wpływ negatywnego afektu na kształt funkcji wag decyzyjnych
Fuławka, K., & Traczyk, J. (2014). Wpływ negatywnego afektu na kształt funkcji wag decyzyjnych. Psychologia Ekonomiczna, (5), 6-25.
Psychophysical evidence for distinct contributions in processing low and high spatial frequencies of fearful facial expressions in backward masking task
Szczepanowski, R., & Sobków, A. (2012). Psychophysical evidence for distinct contributions in processing low and high spatial frequencies of fearful facial expressions in backward masking task. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 43 (3), 167-172.
Wpływ starzenia się na podejmowanie decyzji
Sobkow, A. (2011). Wpływ starzenia się na podejmowanie decyzji. Decyzje, 15, 23-42
Attention-driven bias for threat-related stimuli in implicit memory. Preliminary results from the Posner cueing paradigm.
Traczyk, J., Matusz, P., & Sobków, A. (2010). Attention-driven bias for threat-related stimuli in implicit memory. Preliminary results from the Posner cueing paradigm. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 41(4), 163-171.